Sunday 24 March 2013

Not all six pack abs look the same

Four Pack Abs
Many men who dream of a six pack often trawl through fitness magazines or search through the internet, looking for the ideal looking six pack that they would like to achieve. However, even if they reach the desired body fat % and muscular physique to reveal their six pack. they may not be happy with their results because of their very individual anatomy.

You see, we are all very different and have our own muscle shapes and sizes and these are genetically predetermined. This is what I have to explain to all my VASER 4D liposuction patients, because I am only going to be able reveal their natural anatomy and not create a 'perfect six pack' if they don't have one.

If your surgeon disregards your own natural anatomy and gives you a 'perfect' shaped sixpack, when you naturally have a 4-pack or an 8-pack, then the results are going to look extremely unnatural. This is no more than the outdated method of abdominal etching and not the highly advanced Vaser 4D Sculpt technique.

Not all sixpacks look the same
6 pack absFor sure, most male patients have a six pack, but the exact layout is very different. Some lie above the umbilicus, while other start below the umbilicus as seen above. Some men have 10-pack while others
have only a 4-pack.

In patients whose muscular anatomy is very obvious during their consultation, I perform an ultrasound scan to help locate their muscles, so that their VASER 4D liposuction surgery provides the most natural looking results possible.

Monday 11 March 2013

Before and after pictures female VASER 4D

Here are some examples of results at 8 weeks after VASER 4D Lipo in females. Final results tend to show at about 6 months.

This lady is very slim but has some stubborn pockets of fat in her lower belly and on her love handles (flanks) as well as her outer thighs. Because of her excellent skin tone and no stretch marks, she was suitable for VASER 4D, technique to create the most feminine shape with VASER Liposuction

New body by Dr Ravi Jain

As you can see, amazing results can be achieved very quickly and she has a brand new shape. Results will continue to improve up to 6 months after surgery, when the real definition will start to reveal itself.

Sunday 10 March 2013

VASER Lipo for Chin and Jowls

For many patients, a facelift can be avoided by having Chin & Jowl Lipo using the VASER system. In fact, a lipo lift can be extremely rejuvenating. It is important to recognise that this is a small liposuction surgical procedure with a relatively quick recovery. One will have to wear a head strap for 3 days 24/7 and then for 12-16 hours a day for a 3 more weeks. During the first 3-4 weeks after surgery have some ultrasound and manual lymphatic drainage massages to help reduce fibrosis and promote skin retraction. There are a few risks associated with lipo to the chin & neck.

If you follow all the instructions above for VASER Chin & Neck Lipo, you could achieve results like these:

For more information on chin & neck lipo, visit our website. 

Saturday 9 March 2013

What are the benefits of foam compression after liposuction?

4D Female Padded VestIn the UK there is a wide variation in the level of aftercare following liposuction, ranging from simple compression strapping for a couple of weeks, to 12 weeks of compression suits with foam padding as well, together with regular manual lymphatic drainage sessions.

4D Male Padded Vest

I believe strongly in the benefits of well fitted compression suits for at least 3 weeks 24/7, then for 3 week 12 hours a day for regular VASER Lipo. After more sculpting procedures such as VASER 4D, I would add in extra foam padding as well as increasing the during of compression suits to 8 weeks instead of 6.

The whole aim of liposuction aftercare is to reduce swelling and therefore pain, and also improve the final cosmetic result. Foam padding significantly reduces pain and is very useful if a lot of swelling is anticipated, or, the compression garments cause creases in the skin.

Patients aren't really pleased about it when I instruct foam padding but, it is in their interests and they appreciate it after a couple of days, especially when they see the improved results.

I tend to advise foam padding for the whole torso with all Vaser 4D procedures. I also advise foam padded belts for treating lower abdomens and flanks. But at Riverbanks we have various sizes of padding to fit the area we wish to provide additional compression to.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Vaser Lipo Pre-op Instructions

Once you have made a decision to proceed with VASER Lipo I tend to advise my patients the following pre-op instructions:

4 weeks before surgery

  • Start high intensity interval training 3-4 times a week. This will help to burn up any internal fat, which cannot be removed during surgery.
  • Try to introduce a gluten-free diet to reduce bloating and also some excess fat.
  • Start taking slimming teas such as Jade Fusion every day to help reduce weight further. You will need about 4-6 cups a day.
  • Stop smoking as this significantly increases the chances of infection, wound complications and anaesthetic problems.

2 weeks before surgery

  • Stop alcohol intake as this will thin your blood and increase blood loss during surgery
  • Attend your pre-op assessment with my nurse where you will receive your prescription for your surgery, and be fitted for your compression garments. You will also be risk assessed for deep vein thrombosis and any anaesthetic risks. At this appointment any outstanding balances will need to be settled.

24 hours before surgery

  • Pack your day bag for surgery day to include loose fitting clothing of dark colours
  • Take your prescribed medications as instructed, so make sure you have collected them from your local pharmacy.
  • Drink lots of water - about 3-4 litres of water during the day before surgery to hydrate yourself which will help speed up your recovery
  • Have a really good 'cheat meal'!
  • Do not eat or drink 8 hours before your surgery time